Jacobs Podcasts

与梦想家的讨论, 思想家和实干家之间的联系更加紧密, sustainable tomorrow.


If/When Podcast Hero

我们明天将要面对的世界需要今天的大创意. In Jacobs’ series of If/When interviews with some of today’s leading industry and academic problem solvers, we discuss the Ifs and Whens of disruption - those phenomena with the potential to unsettle the status quo, 以及那些即将发生的和正在出现的.

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Sparks; A special edition podcast series brought to you by Jacobs and World Climate Forum

来自苏格兰的清洁能源创新, 到迪拜的可持续建筑, 我们将采访全球环保领袖, financiers, 和企业家们讨论政策, investments and innovations that are accelerating our progress towards a resilient and sustainable world. Our podcast hopes to educate and inspire, sparking real conversations with the intention to Collaborate. Act. Commit. to real change.

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Inflection Points

Inflection Points

拐点是导致重大经济后果的事件, environmental, geopolitical, 社会和技术变革塑造了我们的世界. 我们的《首页》提供了这些关键问题的背景, the challenges at their core and the actions we’re taking to create a more connected, sustainable world.

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    We partner with clients to solve complex challenges overcoming change and disruption. 我们说出来是一回事, and much better when our thought leaders share their insights and experience through podcasts, publications, webinars, virtual presentations, reports, 采访和其他故事.

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    Jacobs' webinar series on the topics important now deliver content from our world-class experts on topics ranging from water infrastructure, climate change, and the future of cities to cybersecurity and lessons learned from the pandemic. Watch the episodes now.

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    At Jacobs, we make the world smarter, more connected and more sustainable. 我们共同努力,不断突破可能性的极限. 我们保持领先,创造我们未来需要的新标准. 访问我们的新闻编辑室获取最新的新闻材料, 来自我们思想领袖的新闻文章和原创内容.